E-Cigar Pods 1ML
E-Cigar Pods 1ML
$29.95 – $199.95
CIGAR Pods secure themselves with a high-quality magnetic connection, ensuring your pods never lose connection. These pods can easily be swapped out and replaced in seconds. Rivaled in the industry as one of the best devices for thick viscosity oils iKrusher’s CIGAR pods come equipped with 2.0mm intake holes for the smoothest experience regardless of your oil type.
*CIGAR Battery Sold Separately. -
JC105 1ML 510 Cartridge
JC105 1ML 510 Cartridge
$20.99 – $249.00
Equal oil to coil distribution, The iKrusher JC105 510 thread cartridge offers iKrusher’s proprietary design, engineering to maximize consumption down […]